

We keep in mind the individual goals of each student, as well as exposing all students to different musical styles and techniques. Important skills such as note reading, technique, music theory, and ear training are taught at lessons. Private and group students at all levels are exposed to composition, improvisation, and ensemble playing. When appropriate, lessons will incorporate supplemental rhythm instruments and movement activities.

Most students from the early elementary through early intermediate levels will be taught using the Piano Adventures method book, written by Nancy Faber and Randall Faber. Piano Adventure’s open hearts, open minds philosophy fits perfectly with Joy in Music by providing a solid foundation of skills while maintaining a student’s interest. Students who complete the Piano Adventures series are well-equipped to continue their study with both classical and popular music at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Intermediate and advanced students will study the works of master composers and songwriters at the discretion of the teacher. At these levels, students who are studying classical music have the option of changing the emphasis of study towards jazz, improvisation, and/ or popular music. For more details about the curriculum used by Joy in Piano, please contact us.

Joy in Piano encourages all private and group piano students to participate in our public studio performances. Our Winter Classics Recital is a formal performance focusing on classical music. In the spring, the Piano at the Pops is a unique chance for all students to perform while being accompanied by a live, professional band. There is no additional cost to participate in either event, and participation is optional.


Once you have made the decision to study the piano, private students are committing themselves to attend 38 private lessons during the Fall / Spring Sessions. Group students are committing themselves to attend all the classes in the course.

Joy in Piano is committed to keeping your time slot reserved just for you. We ask that you are equally committed to keeping that weekly time open for attending the lesson or class. So, please consider your situation regarding transportation, family vacations, sports games, dance recitals, doctor appointments, and other personal business. However, illness, inclement weather, and other situations can still get in the way, occasionally resulting in a student being absent.

If a student misses a private lesson, here are three options:

1) The private piano lesson may be conducted at the regularly scheduled day and time over the internet using Zoom, a free online video conferencing program. This option should be used in the case of mild illness, inclement weather, or lack of transportation.

2) Students may have the option of doing a “lesson swap” by switching their lesson time with another student for that week. This depends on the availability of the other students.

3) Several times each year, special group classes will be offered on various topics, such as performing, improvising, composing, and ensemble playing. Students who have missed a private lesson are invited to join one of these classes at no extra cost.

Should the teacher cancel a regularly scheduled private lesson during the Fall/ Spring Sessions, a make-up lesson will be provided at a mutually convenient time. If the teacher cancels a group class for any reason, including inclement weather, it will be made up on the same day and time on the next available week at the end of the session. Please note that make-ups are not offered if an individual student misses a group class.

Regardless of private lessons or group classes, refunds are not given due to student absence.

Normally, there will be no regular private lessons or group classes offered during the weeks of Thanksgiving, holiday vacation (through New Year’s Day), and winter and spring vacations. For studio closings in the event of inclement weather, please check our website for notices. If a student absolutely cannot attend the private lesson or group class for any reason, please give as much notice as possible by sending a text or an e-mail to Joy in Piano.  


Taking piano lessons is a worthwhile experience only when students practice regularly. Students are expected to practice 5 - 7 days each week, usually needing 20-90 minutes of daily practice, depending on age, level, and goals. Keep in mind, however, that the quality of practicing far outweighs the quantity. To that end, Joy in Piano will help each student create an efficient practicing regimen.

Students should bring all music books, assignments, and notebooks to the lesson. A pencil and a metronome will be provided. All assignments will be recorded in the student’s notebook.


All fees and materials will be charged in advance for the upcoming month. A general reminder will be sent by e-mail by the 1st of the month, and the balance will be due before the 15th of the same month. Payment may be made by check, payable to Michael Rice, or cash.

Inspiring through sound

Copyright 2016-2024. Joy in Piano. All rights reserved.

​Joy in Piano - 978-868-5522 - Leominster, Massachusetts, USA